a journey to the beauty of humanity

uncommon adventures.

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travel stories.

first steps.


14 Monate Weltreise

Das Archiv auf Englisch

Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step. Every single idea, every vision, every dream which becomes a reality starts with a first step. And every time we leave our comfort zones to explore the unknown, we take that first step.

Welcome to the archive of Thousand First Steps. This is how it all started. This world trip of 14 months has changed my life. Here’s how.

from the travel blog

This journey was a huge step into the unknown for me. Many more first steps followed during the 14 months I circumnavigated the globe. They made me experience a broad spectrum of emotions. Facing fears, approaching challenges and laughing with strangers was a valuable source of inspiration too. At least it made for pretty damn good stories.
Back in the Comfort Zone – A Christmas story

Back in the Comfort Zone – A Christmas story

Christmas 2016, one year ago. I laid in my sleeping bag under a self-made shelter in the mountainous forests of northern Tenerife. It was cold and rain drops trickled through constantly. This year, I’m sitting on my mom’s couch, she just served me tea. My feet are wrapped in a warm blanket and the fireplace radiates warm air into the living room. I’m back in my comfort zone. I’m back at home.

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Country of wonders – How to lose your mind in India

Country of wonders – How to lose your mind in India

Even though I had already traveled for a year in various countries at the time of my arrival, India felt like a different world to me. Get some impressions from the hectic and dirty streets of New Delhi, the holy Ganges River in Varanasi, a well delayed night-train and the Taj Mahal in Agra. One doesn’t return from India as the same person as before, they say. They are right, I’d say.

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Deforestation in Borneo – Impressions from a traveler

Deforestation in Borneo – Impressions from a traveler

I couldn’t leave Indonesia without sharing this. As I traveled through Borneo for two weeks, I witnessed the destruction of nature front row. I smelled the burning forests, heard the screaming chainsaws and got stuck in traffic jams of palm oil trucks. Things are much worse than I expected. Is there an answer?

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Those, who take their first steps to realize something big are leaving footprints worth a closer look. I found 18 of them while I traveled the world and learned about their visions, their challenges, their first steps. Read their stories here and get inspired to take your own first steps.

Guillermo Zárate – failed, tried again, and now revolutionizes Ecuador’s education system

Guillermo Zárate – failed, tried again, and now revolutionizes Ecuador’s education system

Guillermo Zarate started his first business with 21 – and failed. He learned so much about his field though, that today he calls this experience “the most encouraging education of my life”. His second business became a great success. With “Cuestionarix”, Guillermo prepares 80.000 young people every year for their entrance tests at university – and revolutionizes Ecuador’s education system.

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It felt amazing to be on stage sharing my story and connecting with an audience so present and so interested. It felt as if I touched them deeply. For all of those who couldn’t be part of my stage talks given at Vienna’s travel fair “Reise-Inspirationen” (and who speak German, indeed), we recorded this video. Join me on my world trip, hitchhike with me through Europe, embark on a sail boat across the Atlantic, explore the Amazon rainforest and the spiritual world of India. Leave your comfort zone far behind and get inspired to learn from life.

In February 2017 I crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a sailboat. Together with a crew of six in total, I sailed 4.800 kilometers from Tenerife on the Canary Islands to Guadeloupe in the Caribbean. Three weeks of pure adventure, fascination, hardship, laughter and a strong connection to nature. When I set foot on land after this transatlantic odyssey, I felt alive as I never felt before. This absurd idea of hitchhiking from Vienna to America suddenly became a reality.

Find all videos on my Youtube-Channel

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