Malorie, Barbara & Florie – The Local Shakers

Paris, France


“We truly believe that the flapping of a butterfly’s wing can cause an earthquake of good vibes. Everyone got skills. If everyone uses them in a positive way, we can all build the world of tomorrow: human and respectful.”

On first steps

“It’s all about positive local initiatives. By increasing them, little by little, the world will become a better place.”


The Local Shakers, spotlighting world changers

Whatever your passion is, the world is an infinite pool of likeminded people – and traveling is the best way to find them. With Florie, Barbara and Malorie I’ve hit the jackpot. It was a warm Colombian evening in the „El Viajero“–hostel of Cali when we got to know each other. It took us not more than a couple of minutes until we found out how similar our projects are. These girls are traveling South America for nine months, searching for people who make positive impacts. They ask smart questions, record interesting interviews and present it all on

Go ahead, this is totally worth a read!

“We are the example of what a Local Shaker is.”

The project „The Local Shakers“ was created in November 2016 in France. After Florie, Barbara and Malorie graduated in communication, they felt the need to use their studies for a higher purpose: to actively take part in the world of tomorrow. So there were three smart girls asking themselves: „How can we use our communication skills to promote our values?“ That has potential, indeed! The answer to that question lead them to put the spotlight on people who share these positive values.

Florie, Malorie and Barbara are traveling South America for nine months and spotlight people and their world improving projects

„We all are Local Shakers!“

Florie, Barbara and Malorie dedicate their nine-months-voyage through South America to meeting people who make the world a better place. „These people dedicate their skills to a more human and positive society through an environmental, social, artistic or sustainably economical project. We call them The Local Shakers“, the girls explain the core of their project while the sun sets beyond Cali.

„Our goal is to share the personal path of the Local Shakers to inspire our readers to shift their perspectives.“

All around Colombia they met four Local Shakers with big dreams and beautiful stories

When I asked for one example, the girls came up with Oscar and Cristina, the founders of Conceptos Plasticos – a company, that uses recycled plastic to build houses for displaced communities. Wow!

Florie, Barbara and Malorie got the chance to meet them in their factory, next to Bogota. “We spent half a day with them, they explained us their innovative processes and every step of the fabrication: from the recycled plastic to the construction of houses.”

How each meeting brings hope and positive feelings

By asking personal and non-conventional questions, the three girls from France find their Local Shakers opening up quickly. That leads to powerful stories. “When Cristina told us how she feels every time she unlocks the door of a new house they built – with the family next to her – it made us speechless. At this very moment, we truly understood the reason for why they keep fighting for their project: to create and to see more and more joy in the eyes of the families in need.”

“We are constantly growing personally and evolving ourselves with this trip“,

and we are very optimistic about the future of our project in France thanks to the amazing initiatives we see here, in South America. We want to replicate everything we have learned once we are back in France – and who knows, maybe we’ll continue traveling, on another continent!”

I always enjoy meeting likeminded people while traveling. Meeting The Local Shakers in Cali indeed has been a special encounter.

After all the talks with Florie, Barbara and Malorie and the ideas we’ve shared, I came to feel their glowing passion for what they do. I became familiar with this inspiring energy as I have met many people on my trip, who dedicate their lives to follow their dreams. Whenever I feel that energy, I know, their project has most probably a long future ahead.

Good luck, ladies! Keep going!


Instagram: @thelocalshakers

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